2Pint PXE Server Manual Installation


The following items must be installed and configured on the 2PXE Server regardless of which handler you will be using (Configuration Manager or PowerShell)

  • Windows Server 2019 (or above) with Microsoft .NET version 4.8 or higher.

  • The Visual C++ Runtime for Visual Studio must be installed (not necessary if the Configuration Manager client is installed)

  • Installation account must have Administrator rights. Please see this page regarding other permissions.

  • If you want to use Configuration Manager, the 2PXE Server must be installed on a Configuration Manager Distribution Point

  • License key (optional at this point)


From an Elevated Command prompt launch 2Pint Software 2PXE Service (x64).msi.

At the "Welcome" screen, feel welcomed, and then click Next.

At the "End-User License Agreement" screen, once you have reviewed the EULA, check the box: I accept the terms in the License Agreement, and then click Next.

At the "Select License Type" screen, choose the license type, and then click Next.

NOTE: The installer does not check whether the license information is valid. If you select an incorrect license file or enter an invalid key, the installer will continue but the StifleR service may stop soon after starting.

At the "Select Operation Mode and Parameters" screen, select Configuration Manager, and then select either of the various options:

PowerShell Integrated Installation - this option should be used when not integrating with Microsoft Configuration Manager. Configuration Manager - Requires DP Role Installed - this option should be used when integrating with Microsoft Configuration Manager. Referral to iPXE Web Service Only - No license required - this option should be used when configuration and licensing is handled by the iPXE Anywhere Web Service.

  • Use SQL for ConfigMgr DB Access instead of HTTP (Recommended) - this option configures the 2PXE Server to directly query the Configuration Manager database for deployment information rather than query the Management Point. Using this option increases performance. The server hosting the 2PXE service must be granted specific access for this to work.

  • Enable Unknown Machine Support for ConfigMgr - select this option to enable unknown computer support as you would when enabling the option on a PXE-enabled Distribution Point in Configuration Manager.

  • Use HTTPS for iPXE to 2PXE Communication (Recommended) - select this option to enable HTTPS based communications from an iPXE booting client to the 2PXE server. This only takes effect after the initial boot program has been delivered to the client, when HTTP based communication initiates, aka the Windows Boot Image.

  • Bind to single IP (Recommended) - select this option to choose the IP address which should be used to listen and serve PXE requests. If left unchecked, the 2PXE server will determine the best IP to bind to.

Once complete, click Next.

At the "iPXE Anywhere Web Service Integration" screen, choose either of the following options:

Standalone Installation - use this option if an iPXE Anywhere Web server is not installed

iPXE Anywhere Web Service integrated - use this option if an iPXE Anywhere Web server is installed. In the text box, enter the URL and port of the iPXE Anywhere server. Ex: http://yourserver.company.local:8051

At the "Service Account" screen, choose the logon type and then click Next.

At the "Port Selection" screen, enter a Port Number, or accept the default port 8050, and then click the Test Port button. If the port is open, a green check mark will appear. If the port is not open, validate that the port is available. Once complete, click Next.

At the "Database Instance" screen, enter the Server Name \ Instance hosting the Configuration Manager database.

At the "Database Name" screen, enter the name of the Configuration Manager database and then click Next.

At the "SQL Account" screen, choose the authentication mechanism to connect to the Configuration Manager database. "Windows integrated authentication" is recommended. Once complete, click Next.

At the "Destination Folder" screen, enter the path in which the iPXE Server program files should be installed and then click Next.

At the "Select Firewall Configuration" screen, choose whether you would like the installer to create firewall exceptions for the ports required for iPXE to function. Click Next to continue.

At the "Username and password for iPXE" screen, enter a service account to use to connect to the distribution point. If you are using HTTP, and the DP is not in anonymous mode, you need to define an iPXE Network Access Account. This can be left at default if you are using HTTPS. Once complete, click Next.

At the "Ready to install..." screen, click Install to begin the installation.

At the "Completed" screen, the installation wizard is complete. Click Finish and enjoy a nice cup of tea, you’ve earned it.

Last updated